Mandate 2: To answer God’s call to minister to the Muslim people, while bringing awareness of the basic theological differences between Islam and Christianity.

Muslims make up one-fifth of the world’s population. In 1991 Aglow was given an authoritative order or command (confirmed prophetically in 1993 and 1995) and commissioned by the Holy Spirit to co-labour with Him on behalf of the Muslim people. God loves them and holds them close to His heart.

Many people say that Muslims, Jews, and Christians all believe in the same God and Islam is just another way to heaven. Christianity and Islam are very different. It is important for Christians to understand these differences. God has commissioned Aglow to study, be aware of the differences, and to be able to discuss them in a well-informed manner.

Although most Muslims are peaceful, there has been an increase of militant Islam in recent years. This causes fear in many people’s hearts. How does a believer approach this reality? An aspect of this mandate deals with praying for and loving our Muslim neighbours.

We must not allow fear to rule us. God is in control. Ephesians 6:12 teaches us that we do not struggle against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces. We are to love our neighbours, pray for them, and share the truth of the Gospel with anyone who asks.

Our mandate for Islam can be summed up this way: Unveil the System, Love the People.